KantStik® Sealer 1.0 second generation polymeric coating designed to reduce surface area and impart a hard, new and chemically resistant barrier on tooling surfaces. New or reconditioned tooling surfaces have natural porosity and irregularities. To produce optimum surface luster, superior smoothness and reproduction on finished parts, KantStik® Sealer 1.0 is used to fill and seal the microscopic pores that exist throughout the tooling surface.
Features: Polymeric coating for new or reconditioned tooling Base coat for sacrificial or semi-permanent release agents Imparts a hard, new and chemically resistant carrier
• Polymeric coating for new or reconditioned tooling
• Base coat for sacrificial or semi-permanent release agents
• Imparts a hard, new and chemically resistant carrier
How to Use
Recommended Procedure
1. The mold surface should be thoroughly cleaned of all
contaminants such as oils, grease, wax, dirt, or previous
release agents by hand buffi ng with BuffAway™ 2000
Polish followed by KantStik® Mold Cleaner. The cleaned
surface should be completely dry prior to application of
KantStik® Sealer 1.0.
2. Apply KantStik® Sealer 1.0 by saturating a clean 100%
cotton cloth and apply a coat in a back and forth (not
circular) motion. Cover an area of 2-3 square feet and let
stand for 15 – 30 seconds. While the fi lm is still wet, buff
the surface to a high gloss with a clean 100% cotton cloth
or micro fi ber towel. If the release is left too long in place
before buffi ng, and streaking appears, rewet surface with
release and buff immediately.
3. Cover the entire mold in this fashion, slightly overlapping
adjacent areas.
4. After waiting at least 15 minutes, apply a second coat in
a back and forth motion in a direction perpendicular to the
direction that the first coat was applied.
5. After applying the second sealer coat, allow it to cure for 60
minutes before applying the mold release agent.
6. If long buff times or a hazing of the film appears during
buffi ng, the release has become contaminated. Repeat
the surface preparation and reapply with fresh material.