Gelcoats are ISO/NPG Grade Waterproof and UNWAXED
Can be used below the water line, and also for "
Swimming Pool repair & recoating.


Gelcoat Series and their uses:    

Gelcoats are ISO/NPG Grade Waterproof.
Can be used below the water line, and also for
 Pool repair & recoating.                 

300 Brushingvery thick - use for repair work -  apply to first layer of mold. 

302 Spray & Buff: Formulated for refinishing, surface repair application.  Light sand then buff.

306 Spraying: Formulated for spray application - repair or part fabrication.

310 Tooling Brush: Production molds along with 216 Tooling resin.

311 Tooling Spray: Production molds along with 216 Tooling resin.

317 Super BlackBrightest Black Available        See Spraying Gelcoats

318 Super WhiteMade from a clear base resin See Spraying Gelcoats

321 Ultra Spray WhiteSprays using  a Preval Sprayer

322 Color Matched Gelcoat: Color matched to your sample provided.

323 ClearUsed for metal flake or for marble bath ware.

325 Tinted GelcoatsAre pre-tinted from over 300 stock colors.

372 Patching Gelcoat:  Gelcoat that applied like body fill.  See Brushing Gelcoats

Specialty Items 

550  Honey Wax:  Mould release wax.

554  PVA:  Spray on Release agent.  Washes off with water.

620  Wax Solution

630  Styrene

636  High Gloss Additive

We offer coloured gel coats to RAL colour numbers.

All our Gelcoats are UNWAXED


Vector Color Matching 1 Gal Kit
Can$699.00 Can$899.00

Patent Pending

This is a complete kit for advanced color matching.  See the Demo Program on using the VECTOR Color Matching System. Link to Follow

Minor Gel coat repairs are easy to do allowing you to achieve professional Color Matched results the first time.

KIT Includes:

  • 3.78L White Brushing Gelcoat c/w Catalyst.
  • 237ml Wax Solution
  • 1 NIX Mini 3 Meter
  • 10  237ML  LDX Gelcoats:
    • 1 Super Black
    • 1 Super White
    • 1 Chrome Yellow
    • 1 Iron Oxide
    • 1 Dark Brown
    • 1 Tan
    • 1 Red Brown
    • 1 Chrome Yellow
    • 1 Deep Green
    • 1 Red 
  • 10 pair of Latex Gloves
  • 40  6" Mixing sticks
  • 20 100ML  Mixing cups
  • 10 500ML  Mixing Cups
  • 1 Sample Mixing Pack
    • 40 Mix Sheets White
    • 40 Film Sheets
    • 2 Gray Match Cards
  • 1 Sanding Kit C/W Compound
  • 4 Access Keys to the Match Program
  • The kits includes 4 keys which Allows you to 
    to Use the Vector matching Program.

A complete instruction guide to take you through the process 4 grades of sandpaper A course & fine buffing compound. Features are: Can be used for repairs above and below the waterline 10 LDX Gelcoats included in kit but various colors available Can be used to repair Fibreglass such as hot tubs, shower stalls, boats and recreational vehicles. 6lbs / 2.72kg



Rayplex Recommended



  • Repair of nicks and dings or worn areas on fiberglass boats. Also use as interior coat

    when rebuilding a hull.

  • Re-coat the faded surface of a fiberglass swimming pool.

  • Paint the inside of a concrete bird bath.

  • Repair surface cracking on in-ground fiberglass pool.

  • Topcoat finish on a fibreglass tub repair.

  • Coat live well fish boxes.

  • Can be used on fiberglass, wood, or other materials for waterproofing.


  • Forms a tough and resilient layer that guards against scratches, impacts, and the elements.

  • Easy application, allowing both professionals and hobbyists to achieve remarkable results with minimal effort.

  • Sands easily and buffs out for a perfect finish.

  • Provides a long-lasting protection against the harmful effects of sunlight.

  • Protects your surfaces against the effects of chemicals and harsh substances.


  • Use for doing repairs (boat, snow mobile, RV, swimming pool, shower, tub, sink, etc) or making a mold.

  • Whether you're refinishing a boat, restoring a vintage car, or upgrading your home surfaces, trust our Gelcoat to deliver outstanding results.

Rayplex gelcoats are top of the line NPG Isophthalic grade and are "UNWAXED".

What Does Unwaxed Mean

Unwaxed Gelcoat can have multiple applications without the need for sanding between coats. As a result the surface with always be a little tacky and will clog sandpaper when first sanded. The sticky surface can be removed by wiping with Rayplex Acetone.For repair work Rayplex suggest you add Wax Solution to the last layer for a non sticky surface.


Use Rayplex Pigments to tint or adjust the colour if required. Rayplex Gelcoat can be coloured prior to adding catalyst. Adding colour to a Neutral gel coat produces bold or primary dark colours; adding colour pigments to a white gel coat creates lighter, pastel colours.


QUESTIONS about Gelcoat                           


ANSWERS  about Gelcoat

  • Is the neutral RAYPLEX Gelcoat clear in color?
  • The neutral RAYPLEX Gelcoatis is not clear, but translucent beige. It's designed to be tinted with Rayplex Pigments in order to create a custom color. Neutral gelcoat is used to create primary colors  such as greens, yellows, reds, blues, and black.


  • Can I use RAYPLEX pigments to color RAYPLEX Gelcoat Or Resin?
  • Do not use the RAYPLEX POigments to add color to RAYPLEX RESIN or any other polyester resin products, such as RAYPLEX Polyester  Resin , because the results do not look very good and the material may not  cure properly. A more effective way to tint gelcoat and ensure a proper cure is to use RAYPLEX Pigments, available in 16 popular colors.


  • How do I apply RAYPLEX Gelcoat using a brush/roller?

To apply RAYPLEX Gelcoat by brushing, use a Rayplex Bristle Brush, with tapered bristles, that's not too stiff. When rolling, we recommend  Rayplex Rollers gelcoat and resin safe rollers that won't shed hairs or lint.

If you're using RAYPLEX Gelcoat without wax, add 5%  Wax Solution or Air-dry Additive in the last coat. For best results, Rayplex recomends using 1.5 to 2% Catalyst. use only the amount of MEKP catalyst needed for the amount of gelcoat you're using and the temperature conditions.

Thinning should not be required for most brushing/rolling applications, but if needed, thin with styrene - don't add more than 10% to avoid future  yellowing.

Always apply gelcoat in proper conditions - 50-95°F (70-80°F is ideal), with 0-90% relative humidity (. So the coating flows properly and self levels, do not apply gelcoat in direct sunlight.

See our Video on the 4 types and methods of application.


  • What is the shelf life for RAYPLEX Gelcoat and polyester resin products?
  • Over time the chemicals or  promoters tend to loose there strength.  So the resin or gelcoat will take longer to cure.
  • RAYPLEX Gelcoat and RAYPLEX polyester resin products will eventually harden in their containers - even without mixing in MEKP catalyst. The length of their limited shelf life depends on each product's formulation and the conditions in which they're stored.  For maximum shelf life Rayplex recommends storing resins and gelcoat out side in the garage.  The materials are oil based and the cold temperatures does not effect the length of storage or harm the product.
  • Typically, the shelf life for uncatalyzed polyester resins is about 6 months, if stored in cool, dry conditions, in temperatures below 70°F. If stored properly, the shelf life may exceed 6 months, but always check to see if the material has thickened or polymerized before using.



  • Can I apply RAYPLEX Gelcoat to concrete?

       No. The RAYPLEX Gelcoat products will not  bond to concrete which is very acidic, so not apply RAYPLEX Gelcoat         to concrete.

  • Can I apply RAYPLEX Gelcoat over cured epoxy?
  • Rayplex Gelcoat is a Iso Based polyester resin, and as such, is not compatible over epoxy.

    Small gelcoat repairs, epoxy can be used, then finished with gelcoat.  Make sure the epoxy surface is well sanded and solvent wiped with Rayplex Actone after being sanded to a dull finish.  Rayplex suggests doing a test first to make sure that the gelcoat will stick.  

  • Can I thin Rayplex Gelcoat?

  • Rayplex offers 3 main types of gelcoat, Brushing, Spraying  and Spray and Buff.
  •   To thin gelcoat use Rayplex Stryene.  We recomend not adding more then 10% by volume.  Do not use actone as it casues the gelcoat to go rubbery and not cure properly.
  • Spraying and Spray and Buff Gelcoats are designed for spraying  and can be thinned with Rayplex Stryene if required.  Rayplex suggest mechanical mixing the gelcoat first as crosslinking over time tends to thicken the gelcoat. So by mixing your breaking down the crosslinking that has occured which makes the gelcoat thinner.


      When deciding whether to use gelcoat with wax or without wax, there are           a  few factors to consider:

  1. Surface Finish: Gelcoat with wax is typically used as a final coat to create a smooth, dull surface finish. The wax acts as a surfacing agent, rising to the surface of the gelcoat as it cures to create a barrier that helps to seal the surface and provide a glossy finish. Gelcoat without wax is often used for initial coats or repairs, as it allows subsequent layers to adhere properly without interference from the wax.
  2. Application Process: Gelcoat with wax is easier to apply for final coats since it creates a self-leveling surface that requires sanding and polishing after curing. Gelcoat without wax may require more sanding as the surface will be tacky.
  3. Compatibility with Additional Layers: If you plan to apply additional layers of fiberglass or gelcoat, using gelcoat without wax for the initial coats can ensure better adhesion between layers. Gelcoat with wax may hinder adhesion, requiring additional preparation such as sanding or the use of special primers.

In summary, if you're applying a final coat and prioritize ease of application and a glossy finish, gelcoat with wax is a suitable choice. However, if you require better adhesion between layers or if you're applying additional coats, using gelcoat without wax may be more appropriate.


What is the overcoat time when applying RAYPLEX Gelcoat without wax?

The overcoat time, also known as the "gel window" or "recoat window," refers to the period during which a subsequent layer of gelcoat can be applied over the previous layer without the need for sanding or additional surface preparation. This time frame is crucial for ensuring proper adhesion between layers and achieving a smooth, seamless finish.

The overcoat time for RAYPLEX Gelcoat without wax may vary depending on factors such as temperature, humidity, and the specific formulation of the gelcoat.  Most important the amount of catalyst added to the gelcoat.

Generally speaking 2 to 4 hours is usual. If there are wet spots this my be a sign of improper mixing or low catalyst levels.  Wait till these areas dry up.   A simple test is using your finger nail to see if you can slice the cured gelcoat with your nail.  If you can wait. 

In our fabrication days we always applied gelcoat coat in the afternoon and let it dry overnight.  We found rushing always lead to repair work later.


Rayplex Gelcoat cures to a dull finish rather than a glossy one for a few reasons:


  1. Surface Texture: The application technique and conditions can affect the surface texture of the gelcoat. If the gelcoat is not applied smoothly or if it is brushed or rolled on, it can create a textured surface that appears dull rather than glossy.

  2. Curing Conditions: The curing conditions, such as temperature and humidity, can influence the final finish of the gelcoat. If the gelcoat cures under less-than-ideal conditions, it may not fully cure to a glossy finish.

  3. Additives and Pigments: Some gelcoats contain additives or pigments that can affect the final appearance. Certain additives may dull the finish or cause it to appear less glossy once cured.

  4. Post-Curing Techniques: Gelcoat my need more time to cure before further buffing or sanding.  Undercured gelcoat is sometimes soft and will not polish to a shine.Sometimes, post-curing techniques such as If these techniques are not applied or are done incorrectly, the gelcoat may remain dull.

  5. Sanding a Buffing   Sanding or buffing and polishing are necessary to achieve a glossy finish. Rayyplex has two compounds that offer a low cost and buff to a brilliant shine.  RayBuff 100 and RayBuff 200 

To achieve a glossy finish with Rayplex Gelcoat, it's important to ensure proper surface preparation, application technique, curing conditions, and potentially consider post-curing techniques if necessary.


How long do I need to wait for gelcoat to cure before I can sand it?

The time needed for gelcoat to cure sufficiently before sanding depends on several factors including the type of gelcoat, ambient temperature, humidity, and the thickness of the gelcoat application. However, as a general guideline:

  1. Gelcoat Cure Time: Gelcoat typically cures to a tack-free state within a few hours, usually around 3 to 6 hours, depending on the specific product and curing conditions.

  2. Ambient Temperature and Humidity: Warmer temperatures and lower humidity levels generally accelerate the curing process, while cooler temperatures and higher humidity can slow it down.

  3. Thickness of Gelcoat Application: Thicker applications of gelcoat will cure quickly where thinner applications take longer to cure.

Before sanding the gelcoat, it's crucial to ensure that it has cured adequately to avoid damaging the surface or creating uneven finishes. Here are some signs that the gelcoat is ready for sanding:

  1. Tack-Free Surface: The surface should no longer feel tacky to the touch. You can gently touch the surface with a gloved hand to check for tackiness.

  2. Visual Inspection: Inspect the surface for any changes in appearance. The gelcoat should appear firm and solid, with no soft or uncured areas.  Deep pockets can take longer to cure becuse of stryene fumes.  Often the addition of air movment using a fan or air supply will solve the problem.

  3. Cure Time Recommendations:  The warmer the temperature the quicker the gel will cure.  Inversily cooler temp cause the gel to cure very slowly.

If in doubt, it's always better to wait longer than to sand too early, as sanding prematurely can lead to issues with the final finish. Once the gelcoat has cured adequately, you can proceed with sanding to achieve the desired smoothness and finish.

How soon should I remove PVA from gelcoat after the gelcoat has cured?


Rayplex PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol)  #554 is often used as surface coat to aid in surface curing of gelcoat to a tak free surface.

Once you are confident that the gelcoat has fully cured, you can proceed with removing the PVA. Typically, you can gently peel or wash away the PVA using water.

How much MEKP is needed to catalyze RAYPLEX Polyester Laminating Resin?

The amount of MEKP (Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide) needed to catalyze RAYPLEX Polyester Laminating Resin can vary depending on several factors including ambient temperature, desired curing time, and the specific formulation of the resin. However, as a general guideline:

  • For laminating the typical mixing ratio of MEKP to polyester resin is between 1.0% to 2.0% by weight.
  • For general-purpose laminating, a common ratio is 1.5% MEKP to resin by weight.

For a demonstration on Catalyst Measuring  watch our video


Is Rayplex Gelcoat UV stable?

Rayplex Gelcoat is  UV stable, meaning it is designed to resist degradation and color fading caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. UV stability is an essential characteristic for gelcoat used in outdoor or exposed applications such as boat hulls, marine parts, and other fiberglass components that are subject to sunlight.

Can I apply RAYPLEX Gelcoat to a fiberglass swimming pool?

Yes, you can apply RAYPLEX Gelcoat to a fiberglass swimming pool. Gelcoat is commonly used in the manufacturing and repair of fiberglass swimming pools to provide a smooth, durable, and waterproof surface.

Here are some general steps to apply gelcoat to a fiberglass swimming pool:

  1. Surface Preparation: Ensure that the surface of the fiberglass pool is clean, dry, and free of any dirt, debris, or contaminants. You may need to sand the surface lightly to create a rough texture for better adhesion.

  2. Application: Apply the mixed gelcoat to the fiberglass pool surface using a spray gun, brush, or roller, depending on the size and complexity of the surface. Work in small sections to ensure even coverage and avoid drips or uneven application.

  3. Curing: Allow the gelcoat to cure according to the manufacturer's instructions. The curing time can vary depending on factors such as ambient temperature, humidity, and the thickness of the gelcoat layer.

  4. Rayplex recomends mixing catalyst at 2% ratio. Do not apply on a cold or damp days.  Remember the gelcoat will cure very quickly in direct sunlight.  If possible allow a couple of days for the gelcoat to fully cure.

Does RAYPLEX Gelcoat require thinning?

  • Rayplex offers 3 main types of gelcoat, Brushing, Spraying  and Spray and Buff.  To thin gelcoat use Rayplex Stryene.  We recomend not adding more then 10% by volume.  Do not use actone as it casues the gelcoat to go rubbery and not cure properly.Spraying and Spray and Buff Gelcoats are designed for spraying  and can be thinned with Rayplex Stryene if required.  Rayplex suggest mechanical mixing the gelcoat first as crosslinking over time tends to thicken the gelcoat. So by mixing your breaking down the crosslinking that has occured which makes the gelcoat thinner.

Gelcoat has Wrinkles

If your gelcoat has wrinkles, it could be due to a few different factors during the application and curing process. Here are some possible reasons and solutions:

  1. Improper Mixing: Ensure that you've mixed the gelcoat and catalyst (MEKP) thoroughly and according to the manufacturer's instructions. Inadequate mixing can result in uneven curing and wrinkles.

  2. Inconsistent Thickness: Uneven or inconsistent application of gelcoat can lead to areas drying at different rates, causing wrinkles. Apply the gelcoat evenly and smoothly across the surface to prevent this issue.

  3. Temperature and Humidity: Extreme temperatures or high humidity levels during application and curing can affect the gelcoat's consistency and drying time. Try to work in optimal temperature and humidity conditions as recommended by the manufacturer.

  4. Overworking the Gelcoat: If you manipulate or work the gelcoat too much after application, it can disrupt the curing process and lead to wrinkles. Once applied, avoid excessive brushing, rolling, or manipulation of the gelcoat.

  5. Catalyst Ratio: Using too much or too little catalyst can affect the gelcoat's curing process. Ensure that you've measured and mixed the catalyst according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

If wrinkles have already formed in the gelcoat, you may need to sand down the affected areas once the gelcoat has fully cured and reapply a new layer of gelcoat following proper techniques to avoid repeating the issue. Sanding can help smooth out the wrinkles and provide a clean surface for the new application.

Always refer to the specific instructions provided by the manufacturer of the gelcoat product you are using for best practices and troubleshooting guidance.

  • Gelcoat takes long time to cure.   Generally this is the result of shop temperatures being cool or to low a catalyst ratio. This is caused by oxygen interfering with the curing process in either gelcoat or resin.  A similar example is take a bit out of a apple and after 15 min the white material of the apple will start to turn brown.  Bit you had taken a bite and then placed a piece of cellophane over the exposed area it would remain  white for some time. 



GelCoat Estimator

How much gelcoat do I need?


(wet mils)

QUART Or Liter
(sq. ft. per unit)**

GALLON or 3.78Liter
(sq. ft. per unit)**






Gel coat will not cure Properly




Not Recommended














Understanding Gel Thickness

One sheet of photo copy paper is about 4 mils or .004 thick.

For an easy reference 5 sheets of general photo copy paper is 20 mils  or .020

As the styrene evaporates from the gelcoat  the thickness will drop about 25%.  This is referred to as the wet film vrs dry film thickness in the industry.

For estimating purpose one should also add an extra 10-25% should also be budgeted for wasted product left in mixing cups, brushes, rollers, spray equipment, plus drips, sags, or other wasted product.

Does and Don't

Don't Over the years we have found that applying gelcoat less then 10 mils thick will never dry or cure correctly. It always remains sticky.  The reason is that oxygen in the air will attack the exposed top 3 to 5 mils and prevent the gel from curing properly. This effect then draws the catalyst.

Do  To test whether the gelcoat is cured take your finger nail and see if you can slice through it.  If you can wait some more time till its hard.

Gel Not Cured  If the gelcoat coat has not cured after a day then try these tricks. 

  1. Put the wet gel in sunlight. The UV rays of the sun act as a catalyst and  will cure the gelcoat. 
  2. Apply a hot coat. Mix up more gel with twice the normal catalyst amount and brush this over the wet area.
  3. Try applying some heat such as a lamp or Hair Dryer for 5 to 10 min




If you would like to read a very extensive application guide the Check Out the following link.





 Shipping Chemicals and  Wide Fabric Make it impossible to Calculate Shipping Costs in Advance.
Your trust is important so we only charge what shipping cost us.
Disclaimer: The information contained herein and provided by RAYPLEX LTD is considered accurate. However, no warranty is expressed or implied regarding the accuracy of the data, the results to be obtained by the use thereof,
or that any such use will not infringe any patent. Before using, user shall determine the suitability of the product for the intended use and user assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith.




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RAYPLEX is a registered
Trade Mark All rights reserved. 
341 Durham Crt, Oshawa, ON L1J 1W8
Phone: 905-579-1433 Fax: 905-579-1431
Hours of Operation:
Mon-Thurs 9am-5pm  Until March 14, our in-store hours are  
Fri  9am-4pm               9am-3pm Monday - Friday.